- We have just published 28 new resumes, see AnalyticResumes.
- We have signed a contract with a major job aggregator. Our job ads will start being published on this network by the end of February.
- Our job ads are now available as XML feeds, and can be freely distributed on the Internet. Please contact us if you are interested in a partnership with us.
- We have created the first social network for analytic professionals. Analytic Bridge (www.AnalyticBridge.com) is a great resource to find passive candidates. You are invited to join and contribute in the various forums. Our featured job ads are listed on Analytic Bridge.
- Our SAS blog is growing steadily. Our SAS featured job ads are now published on the SAS jobs blog too.
- Our next job email alert will be published around March 15 (8,000 subscribers. Send us your job ads in time to benefit from our next email blast.
- Check our new estore to learn about our new advertising opportunities, including featured recruiter listing.
- To unsubscribe, please reply with unsubscribe in the subject line.
Vincent Granville, Ph.D.
Founder and Principal